Force Friday plus Humble Bundle equals Star Wars Audiobooks

Okay, I know the last post was about Humble Bundle’s Tom Clancy video game bundle, and two Humble Bundle posts in a row may strike some as somewhat repetitive. Plus, this particular bundle has been available for over a week, so I’m late. However, it’s “Force Friday” because of a Disney marketing strategy to sell toys that retailers apparently understocked on (I am so glad I stayed home today). The bundle is available for four more days. I haven’t spread the word about it. That equals three good reasons to talk about it, according to me. Oh! AND this bundle is audiobooks instead of video games, and it’s Star Wars instead of Tom Clancy, which make two more additional reasons, so let’s do this thing! Continue reading “Force Friday plus Humble Bundle equals Star Wars Audiobooks”

The newest Humble Bundle is offering several Tom Clancy video games plus multiplayer beta!

Tom_Clancy's_Rainbow_Six_Siege_cover_artAs a writer, video game fan, and connoisseur of action titles (both in print and video form), Tom Clancy has always fascinated me. He’s one of the few people I’ve heard of who managed to establish name recognition in all three of those areas. Reading his books is one of the items on my bucket list, though to date I’ve only read Patriot Games. I would love to know what it’s like to have my name become a brand, setting the titles with my name apart from all the other titles that lack… such a distinction, regardless of whether or not I actually played an active role. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Tom Clancy was a prolific writer, which I am going to jot down as “Step One in My Quest of Financial Security and Name Recognition”, but he didn’t play much of a role in a number of the books, nor video games, that carry his name.

To drive that point home, a new Tom Clancy game is coming out in October, even though he sadly passed away in 2013. Continue reading “The newest Humble Bundle is offering several Tom Clancy video games plus multiplayer beta!”

Amusing Coincidences in My Life: Shadowgate, Empire’s End, Monuments Men

You can almost taste the sarcasm.

So THAT’S where that music is from!

For several years I, from time to time, have had this haunting piano tune enter my head. I’ve heard it somewhere before… but I couldn’t place where. The other day, I was randomly browsing my Steam account, and decided that my wishlist of 45 games needed to be cleaned up. I go over there, and discover- hey! One of the games I want is on an 80% sale, so it’s only $3! (This sale is now over- sorry. But Steam is always doing awesome sales, so it’s only a matter of time before it happens again.) It’s the new Shadowgate game that was released about a year ago. I randomly click on a few of the trailers, and… that haunting theme starts playing! Turns out it’s the death / game over theme from Shadowgate. Mystery solved! Continue reading “Amusing Coincidences in My Life: Shadowgate, Empire’s End, Monuments Men”

My random thoughts on the Nintendo World Championships 2015 event

nintendo-world-championships-2015So a while back I heard all sorts of talk about Nintendo bringing back its Nintendo World Championships event; apparently this was a thing twenty years ago that I did not pay attention to then and, due to college, did not pay attention to for the past month. I was randomly on YouTube yesterday and saw their “live from E3” link and randomly clicked it, and it just so happened to be about five minutes after the Championships final had started, and I figured, hey, I’m not doing much right now. I’ll put that up in one window while doing other stuff in another window and see how this goes. The following are the thoughts I jotted down as it was going on, edited up a bit to be, you know, legible and not-so-unprofessional.

Continue reading “My random thoughts on the Nintendo World Championships 2015 event”

Nintendo’s Selective Memory

Nintendo sent out a press release a few days ago celebrating Women’s History Month with homages to the “Rosie the Riveter” posters, except with their own female characters and boasting about those characters’ strengths and history. After doing some digging, I finally came across a website that seems to have posted the press release in its entirety. I would expect Nintendo to have posted this thing on their own website, but they haven’t, and most of the sites that have bothered to cover it are just summary, small notes, ridicule, or criticism.

Honestly, I agree with the criticism. I’ll give them points for trying, but I can’t believe whoever put this together honestly thought, “yes, this totally proves Nintendo is conscious of and respects the accomplishments of women.” Continue reading “Nintendo’s Selective Memory”